Two concerts, two thrilling musical experiences. In a different way, but both of them definitely touched my heart, ever so much. I believe in and totally agree with the motto of one of the currently most famous radio station which is: "There are angles inside of one's soul that can be enlightened only by the music."
Concert #1: The Frantic
Magashegyi Underground - Akvarium Nagy Hall - 28.11.2014

Concert #2: The Uplifting
Havasi Symphonic Arena Show - 06.12.2014
The music that are typically befit to big movies like Gladiator, in my opinion... In the morning of Santa's Day, Dominik found two concert tickets valid for that day. I was sure that the grandiose super production of the world famous piano artist Havasi Balázs - who is actually the fastest pianist in the world - will be a supreme musical experience for both of us. (HAVASI Symphonic ranked 16 on the music industry standard popularity
chart Billboard Top 100, and was elected number 9 by Pollstar.) What a show, what a sounding, what a vision and what emotions! I'm thinking about the reason why a piece of music could make me cry, or at least why generates insensible tears. Just because of its goodness or has it some effect to the actual state of mind or just it touches the heart and this reflects in tears or its emotionality that generates more feelings inside?? By all means, it is fantastic and always want more, more, more. The voice of Lion King, the Grammy-prized Lebo M was also on stage to present the famous feature song of Lion King and guide the audience to Africa. I'm extremely grateful for my son that let myself persuade by him to buy the CD at the show. Since then, we cannot stop listening it.
I also need to mention TAIKO, the Japanese drum that was an ingredient of both shows and for my ears' biggest pleasure. This was not the only commonality but the empathy and the incorporation with the tunes were also important factors regarding the artists.
A high number of creative and art professionals are working together for
a concert that will give the audience a breathtaking audiovisual
experience for a lifetime. My biggest respect is for those people who are willing to add something to the human beings and the beneficiary of their works not exclusively themselves but wide crowds and they make so many people happy through their music. Thank you, again. I'll be there next year as well!