I cannot describe how busy the LEGO project kept us for months and how big pleasure meant to prepare for it. Dominik's birthday is a little Christmas for me and always do the preparations in the same way: well before, thoroughly, scrupulously.
The invitation cards were created even in May in order we could give them to the addressees before the nursery came to an end. This was an effective entry of the party. What made it unique is that we used no fancy paper to write the invitation text on it but LEGO bricks and stickers. Each item can be used for building purposes later, united with the existing LEGO collection of the children and can remain memorable pieces.
It would be a mistake not to analyze and evaluate this event and not to make some feedback for myself. This helps to improve, to find out how and what to do better next time. As for the right strategy, let's see a short SWOT analysis:
STRENGTHS. The conception. The theme of LEGO was a great idea since there were a number of possibilities that we could build on. It will be hard to tower above it next year. The decoration. I was to build up a legoworld even from the entrance, sparing no time and pain. We asked even Péter bácsi to loan the LEGO penguin from the front yard of the day care. Food. Regarding the festive board, my efforts are always directed to include some sustaining/nourishing snacks in a childish coat and also some fruits and vegetables. I know well that occasions like this are not famous from big eatings. The children usually forget to take some food or eat hurriedly. Then what they eat, be healthy, appetizing, not greasy and last but not least spectacular that easily catches their eyes. The festive board must included LEGO as well: LEGO cake, LEGO cake pops, popcorn served in a bag made from LEGO catalogue.
WEAKNESSES. We have to calculate with the sisters and brothers as well even if they are not pronouncedly invited and each of them needs to be observed whether they drink and eat something. Organized games. Failed. Previously we found out with Dominik to divide the guests into 2 groups and play team games. All these shouldn't had reamined without compensation: the prizes of each turn would had been LEGO bricks. Surprisingly, they weren't as enthusiastic as we expected. Only a few of them agree to play and after a while they all escaped (including Dominik) and chose another engagement. Next year we won't force such games unless otherwise requested. Drinking.
It is very important to drink enough, mainly if they move a lot. It
took much enery to make them drink. Next year I surely give them a
little bottle of water, signing each in advance.
Taking pictures. I was so busy and could not take as many photos as I wanted. This is the weakness that I feel sorry about most.
OPPORTUNITIES. This is an opportunity for the children to meet each other and being together during the long summer holiday. This is an opportuity for the parents to become closer with each other, too.
THREATS. If only I had a wish to have one great feature, I'd
surely want to multiply myself. One Rita proved to be not enough, I always was in demand. Not the time of deep conversations. Since the time goes so fast, the party needs to be full of content and well constructed.