Would it be a risky adventure to start boldly on Africa, to become one with the Arabic world, choosing a 4-year-old as a company? Risky, but not dead.
We almost got stuck Hungary but I promised to Dominik and to myself to go on holiday, to go abroad, to fly by airplane, to dip into the sea. I was waiting for the best
offer possible and finally we got it. Dominik chose the hotel and I agreed. Destination was Tunisia, Yasmine Hammamet, Hotel Safa with numerous slides around the pools. Regarding
travelling, everything went smooth, too smooth.
We could not wish better weather like the Tunisian one in September. The air movement was constant, there were
no clouds, temperature was not high above 30° C, mornings and evenings much lower but not unpleasant. The location of the hotel was brilliant from every respect.
Our main goal was to spend our time near the hotel, in the pool or in the sea, on the beach. What was above this, that was all gratis for us.
We visited the old medina where could meet even more violent, pushing vendors offering their merchandise in an unduly friendly way. FYI: Tunisia has a place with white-blue coloured houses which is very similar to Santorini in Greece (
my big favourite) called SidiBous. We did not see this but got a taste of it at the old medina where travelled by taxi there and by a little train forth – upon Dominik’s special request.
Initially, I was joking with Dominik pointing at the silhouette of a ship far away
while we were bathing in the sea and shouted „Look, look, look! There is a pirate ship over there! - but did not mean it. We heared the song of Vangelis-1492 quietly from the direction of the ship and I was amazed… Our other great adventure was the pirate ship named Sultan II with r
eal pirates on board. They were to entertain the unsuspecting passengers with their show while sailing in the midst of the sea. They climbed up through the rigging to the masts and yards of the ship, they swang, they hanged, all eyes were
glued to them aloft, the mouths were wide open. Their stunt was accompanied by great music which has an effect on everybody on the ship. They danced, sang and one of them was a real fakir. At first, I did not want to take part of this programme, because I thought that Dominik was frightened by the pirates. Just on the contrary:
he cried for going and when got off after the show he said that it had been damn good! In the end they beg for money in pirate manner; permit me to remark that this begging was totally appropriate there and then, and the money they got was well deserved.
What was more than a kind compliment: a young local guy (or God knows where he was from) came to us on the beach while seeing the big waves and asked if I’m a sister of Dominik. „No, I’m not” – I said. „Are you …?” – he did not finished the sentence he was just smiling
and me too. I nodded. „Yes, I’m a mother of him.” Sweet situation. According to the second kindest compliment I was Shakira, Shakira...
What was more than enough: face-picking, pampering, regarding Dominik as a curiosity with his blond-haired
phiz. And of course the crabby hawkers and sellers on the beach, in the bazars who were to get rid of their goods and to palm something off on the tourists. It reminds me of the story of Aladdin. Remember, there is a seller at the very beginning (see vid
eo from 3:10 to 4:30)…
What was lost: a half of Dominik’s flip flop and a half of my rechargeable battery. Former on the way to the post office during collecting shells along the beach; latter fell into the sea from the pirate ship when I got out the camera from my pocket. Never more loss!
The summer of 2011 was unambiguously and fully dedicated to my son.