Feeding with promises, false illusions that lead you to believe that you find your job. For the third time. I hardly believe. But I’m optimist and not disappointed at all. I just draw the conclusions of my negative experiences and know exactly since then:
Don’t swallow everything.
Be much more careful and sceptical. Act circumspectly.
Feel the weight of the situation but stay cool.
Don’t trust the employer’s word (even if he says that you’re the newly employed) until he puts into writing and you sign the contract of employment.
First Swindle: company A made me to give my employer’s notice to my previous workplace and by the end of the notice period they didn’t need me any more. Obscureness, unthoughtful HR strategy. The whole story was detailed earlier.
Second Swindle: the procedure of the choice was through a head hunter. It was a great honour to hear the words of the questioner: "In my opinion, you should stop looking for another job. You fit in our team well." Of course, I didn’t take this statement for granted learning from Swindle One, and I didn’t enter into the spirit of a winner. Thank God, because the following day they called me to announce the final decision according to which I was not the chosen person.
Third Swindle: trial day at company C, thrill of joy (in moderation), discussion of the scope of activities but frozen athmosphere. The girl, who quit her job and would had made place for me, had irrelevant, unfriendly behaviour and gave me the cold shoulder. By the end of the day she changed her mind about her notice. They didn’t need me any more.