Believe it or not, Dominik started to tell little verses at the age of not quite 20 months. I didn’t believe my ears a few days ago. Dominik was playing with the nurturer chair, I was packing of his clothes in the cupboard. After the first words of ”Hinta-palinta” (=swing-swang) the whole little song was intoned –
correctly, from beginning to end.
régi dunna kiskatona,
ugorj a Tiszába.
I wasn’t able to hide my immense joy. I can’t describe the feeling I felt the moment I first heard a song from my little son’s mouth. A song that I sang him over and over again without presuming to rehear (tho’ obviously this was the aim), a song that he learned from me. Then and there he immediately took away my breath giving evidence of his reflectiveness with another nursery rhyme. He’s thinking and drawing conclusions. Now, he starts to get out the things stored of the drawers of his brain. I told him the ”Cirmos cica haj,…” which is about cat and butter but it doesn’t say that the cat ate the butter, it’s just disappears. Dominik found out and said ”Megette!” (=ate it).
Cirmos cica haj,
hová lett a vaj?
Ott látom a bajuszodon,
most lesz neked jaj!
I wasn’t able to hide my immense joy. I can’t describe the feeling I felt the moment I first heard a song from my little son’s mouth. A song that I sang him over and over again without presuming to rehear (tho’ obviously this was the aim), a song that he learned from me. Then and there he immediately took away my breath giving evidence of his reflectiveness with another nursery rhyme. He’s thinking and drawing conclusions. Now, he starts to get out the things stored of the drawers of his brain. I told him the ”Cirmos cica haj,…” which is about cat and butter but it doesn’t say that the cat ate the butter, it’s just disappears. Dominik found out and said ”Megette!” (=ate it).
Cirmos cica haj,
hová lett a vaj?
Ott látom a bajuszodon,
most lesz neked jaj!
Lóga lába lóga,
nincsen semmi dolga,
mert ha dolga volna,
a lába nem lógna.
Finally, let’s see what was March about:
- 1st: celebration of my cousin in the country who turned 20
- 7th: celebration of the 20th anniversary of Krisz’s workplace within the frame of a liberal table
- 11th: celebration of my father who turned 51
- 12th: celebration of my sister who turned 25
- 13th: celebration of Krisz on the occasion of his nameday
- 24th: Dominik turned 20 months
- flu that was the whole house down with; Krisz began and grandpa brought up the rear
Finally, let’s see what was March about:
- 1st: celebration of my cousin in the country who turned 20
- 7th: celebration of the 20th anniversary of Krisz’s workplace within the frame of a liberal table
- 11th: celebration of my father who turned 51
- 12th: celebration of my sister who turned 25
- 13th: celebration of Krisz on the occasion of his nameday
- 24th: Dominik turned 20 months
- flu that was the whole house down with; Krisz began and grandpa brought up the rear