>>>>>>(This day 16 months ago.)
We’re up to the eyes in the NO-period. We can say anything – your reaction is always NO. Sometimes acceptable, sometimes unappropriate but always been said clearly and definitely and always makes me smile. The most funny situations are when you say NO upon my wish and do just the opposite of what you say. Eg. I ask you to throw something into the bin, you say NO and during saying it you start to approach the bin in answer to my request and carry out. Adorable.
So, you’re really entertaining and I adore communicating with you by the way of this new thing that we call words, meaningful words. Undoubtedly, the most often repeated word is cici (chichi). Sweet situation: I ask you in a shopping centre -What would you like to get? Your reply is -Chi-chi! in a thin voice. -Are you sure? -No… Your vocabulary develops day by day that sometimes surprises me. We saw a woman walking with a puny dog and you cried –Cica! (kit). You know the name of the fruits, animal imitative words, parts of the body and can count till two(!). You know the name of our dog and the word Heni is often pronounced by you. You say -Hapci! (tish-ho!) when somebody sneezes or you see and smell any kind of flower. You always answer to my Where are you? question shortly if you are beyond the field of view with the word Itta! (=Itt vagyok! Here I am!). The most surprising word for me is csoki (choc) because I willfully avoid each kind of sweetness. The other day you saw a bar of chocolate on the table, recognized somehow, sounded the name of it somehow, what’s more you desired it. Hats off, children have receptive mind. Very well done. You know which side of the bread is buttered. Sometimes you’re in the humour to repeat every word we say but in fact the most talkative form of you appears at home. You’re a keen observer: notice even the smallest change in the house / on me immediately. As a scrupulous person you like fidding, taking much trouble with (over-age) tiny little objects, toys. You’re orderly, put the cakes and ale you don’t need on the brink of the table or into my hand to my greatest pleasure an
d always want to put the tops of the objects in their place. Many chewing teeth shoot out these days which may bring forth the weakening of the immune system. This can be an explanation of getting ill two times within a month. Few days ago you were shorn of your frizzling angel hair. You outbraved the haircutting patiently, enquiringly. I felt bad about your blond curls but you are not a girl. Too many people took you to be a little lady and your Dad disapproved your hairstyle as well.
We’re up to the eyes in the NO-period. We can say anything – your reaction is always NO. Sometimes acceptable, sometimes unappropriate but always been said clearly and definitely and always makes me smile. The most funny situations are when you say NO upon my wish and do just the opposite of what you say. Eg. I ask you to throw something into the bin, you say NO and during saying it you start to approach the bin in answer to my request and carry out. Adorable.
So, you’re really entertaining and I adore communicating with you by the way of this new thing that we call words, meaningful words. Undoubtedly, the most often repeated word is cici (chichi). Sweet situation: I ask you in a shopping centre -What would you like to get? Your reply is -Chi-chi! in a thin voice. -Are you sure? -No… Your vocabulary develops day by day that sometimes surprises me. We saw a woman walking with a puny dog and you cried –Cica! (kit). You know the name of the fruits, animal imitative words, parts of the body and can count till two(!). You know the name of our dog and the word Heni is often pronounced by you. You say -Hapci! (tish-ho!) when somebody sneezes or you see and smell any kind of flower. You always answer to my Where are you? question shortly if you are beyond the field of view with the word Itta! (=Itt vagyok! Here I am!). The most surprising word for me is csoki (choc) because I willfully avoid each kind of sweetness. The other day you saw a bar of chocolate on the table, recognized somehow, sounded the name of it somehow, what’s more you desired it. Hats off, children have receptive mind. Very well done. You know which side of the bread is buttered. Sometimes you’re in the humour to repeat every word we say but in fact the most talkative form of you appears at home. You’re a keen observer: notice even the smallest change in the house / on me immediately. As a scrupulous person you like fidding, taking much trouble with (over-age) tiny little objects, toys. You’re orderly, put the cakes and ale you don’t need on the brink of the table or into my hand to my greatest pleasure an

We love you very much, our little cuddly toddler.