hűvös őszbe, nyirkos őszbe fordul a világ.
Ha ilyenkor duhaj kedvvel nekilendülök,
és a fázó bokrok között táncra perdülök,
hogy bokázik a sok sárga zörgő falevél.
Én vagyok az, én vagyok az októberi szél.
Once upon a time, there was a girl and a boy. They felt love, got married, gave life to a child and a new era began... ...would begin a girlish novel. But this is LIFE including ups and downs. Is not life itself the most perfect novel after all?
Fact: The company where I worked was liquidated. If I wanted to go back, I couldn't. Fortunately, I didn't have the intention of returning, although I adored that place, my job and my colleges more than I can say. I need changing. "Changing is the only steady thing" - said my tutor at the college. How true.
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Füzesgyarmat & Köröstarcsa |
My godmother's birthday was what we celebrated last weekend. We spent a few days in the country. While the male members were soaking themselves in the local spa, we were making long walks in the springlike sunshine and experinced the joys of the countryside. We visited long-seen relatives in an other little country village where Dominik had a playmate of the same age.