Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Santa Claus went, Jesus comes

Monday, November 24, 2008
Cuddly Toddler

We’re up to the eyes in the NO-period. We can say anything – your reaction is always NO. Sometimes acceptable, sometimes unappropriate but always been said clearly and definitely and always makes me smile. The most funny situations are when you say NO upon my wish and do just the opposite of what you say. Eg. I ask you to throw something into the bin, you say NO and during saying it you start to approach the bin in answer to my request and carry out. Adorable.
So, you’re really entertaining and I adore communicating with you by the way of this new thing that we call words, meaningful words. Undoubtedly, the most often repeated word is cici (chichi). Sweet situation: I ask you in a shopping centre -What would you like to get? Your reply is -Chi-chi! in a thin voice. -Are you sure? -No… Your vocabulary develops day by day that sometimes surprises me. We saw a woman walking with a puny dog and you cried –Cica! (kit). You know the name of the fruits, animal imitative words, parts of the body and can count till two(!). You know the name of our dog and the word Heni is often pronounced by you. You say -Hapci! (tish-ho!) when somebody sneezes or you see and smell any kind of flower. You always answer to my Where are you? question shortly if you are beyond the field of view with the word Itta! (=Itt vagyok! Here I am!). The most surprising word for me is csoki (choc) because I willfully avoid each kind of sweetness. The other day you saw a bar of chocolate on the table, recognized somehow, sounded the name of it somehow, what’s more you desired it. Hats off, children have receptive mind. Very well done. You know which side of the bread is buttered. Sometimes you’re in the humour to repeat every word we say but in fact the most talkative form of you appears at home. You’re a keen observer: notice even the smallest change in the house / on me immediately. As a scrupulous person you like fidding, taking much trouble with (over-age) tiny little objects, toys. You’re orderly, put the cakes and ale you don’t need on the brink of the table or into my hand to my greatest pleasure an

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Majtényi Erik: Októberi Szél
hűvös őszbe, nyirkos őszbe fordul a világ.
Ha ilyenkor duhaj kedvvel nekilendülök,
és a fázó bokrok között táncra perdülök,
hogy bokázik a sok sárga zörgő falevél.
Én vagyok az, én vagyok az októberi szél.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Holy Mass for Grandparents
Relatives were invited from Epöl and Esztergom to our church on a Sunday morning. The mass was offer up to the grandparents which was my mother’s brother’s idea and doings. After the mass we went to the cemetery together then we were seen with a pretty breakfast at Laci’s place.
October 21, 2008 – The Worst Day Of the Year
It gives me the shiver to think of that telephone call. The happenings horrify me and there is no day passing away without thinking of that tragedy. My best friend in primary school and her family had a car accident, it was a pile-up. Three tractor trucks, a dump truck, a truck trailer and a car crashed. Guess who was sitting in the car, guess who had no chance whatever. The father was badly wounded, the mother was desperately wounded, the 4-year-old-boy was fatally injured, the 2-year-old-boy is o.k. (spiritually injured). The mother is in coma, her brain and brainpan injury is the most serious. The burial of her son will be tomorrow, I’ll be there.
Getting home I grabbed the dust-bin to pull in (the garbage truck emptied it that day). I always look into it and I saw a black belt pouch at the bottom that time. I knew straightaway that robbery happened (somebody robbed from someone the bag and after getting the money he threw into our dust-bin) and felt that bad things were not over for that day (it never rains but it pours).
I wasn’t failed. Someone wanted to break into my parents’ house in the night (fifth time). Pure accident, my father went to the bathroom when heard the burrs, something to fall with a thump, then fiddling the door-lock. He turned the lights on, gave him a scare and the burglar broke into a run.
Programme Change
We had a 4-day-weekend (plus an extra hour because of winter time) and wanted to leave (of course with Dominik). Aquapark, visiting relatives, whatnot. Previous days: preparing, packing. The night before travelling: Dominik got ill, fever heat, stopped-up nose.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Future Plans in a Nutshell
Fact: The company where I worked was liquidated. If I wanted to go back, I couldn't. Fortunately, I didn't have the intention of returning, although I adored that place, my job and my colleges more than I can say. I need changing. "Changing is the only steady thing" - said my tutor at the college. How true.
- Krisz & me are dreaming about an own business for years (the car wash). We have formed the project in our mind there and back many times but the execution is still keeping us waiting for lack of capital. Very initial steps were made earlier.
- 3L - Life Long Learning is very important and I decided the continuation of my studies even during college years. Learning with a baby might be difficult but saves expenses. I'm interested in Masters of Business Administration (MBA) specialized in Management. In case it is with not the same conditions as earlier, I'm afraid we couldn't husband our resources. (Most people's further studies are financed by their companies because the tuition fees are extremely high, especially as for the second degree.) I need to go round this question some more.
- We'd like to have a second baby by the time Dominik will turn 3, so I don't think to make a career as a womanager in the next few years... :-) I want to spend the most time possible with my little son.
- to sit in the school-desk a.s.a.p. (once in 2 weeks) while working on the car wash
- to earn the second degree by the time the second baby comes
- to establish the car wash and when things are going well to employ workers
- to look for a part-time job after the age of 3 of the younger baby - not for living but as a hobby
Thursday, October 02, 2008
One More Round Number This Year
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Füzesgyarmat & Köröstarcsa |
My godmother's birthday was what we celebrated last weekend. We spent a few days in the country. While the male members were soaking themselves in the local spa, we were making long walks in the springlike sunshine and experinced the joys of the countryside. We visited long-seen relatives in an other little country village where Dominik had a playmate of the same age.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Kányádi Sándor: Jön az ősz
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Wedding, again
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The Proposal |
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The Civil Ceremony |
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Church Wedding |

1- Posing in front of the Mayor's Office
3 - Tableau in front of the church
4 - Cutting the cake
5 - Light up the candle
6 - Under God
7 - Young wives & husbands
8 - Throwing the bouquet
9 - Coming out of the church

Summer comes to an end. Although the sun goes low, days are much shorter, evenings and mornings are chilly, we have record hot days in these days.
Dominik and me were invited to the local community center in connection with the Day of Breastmilk. We got a gift parcel and a memorial certificate which says that is for "the mother who chose breastfeeding as lifestyle not as duty". There is another acknowledgement which is from my mother who is very proud of me/us. This is due to Dominik as well.
Monday, September 01, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Fésűs Éva: Vidám nyárutó
Körte pottyan, totyakos,
Dinnye feje szép kerek,
Szóló szőlő kilenc tő,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Just Married

I’m going to publish some pictures by the photographer next time and going to make a picture comparison between the weddings of the Filler-girls.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"Mr One-Year-Old Sweetie"

- toddling with support, no independent steps yet; safer and faster on all fours
- no nipple and the only thing drinking from a bottle is water
- still nursing
- not a single separated night
- having eight teeth
- supposedly the age of defiance and sulking opened
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Go Turkey!