Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dominik turned 17


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Nolen turned 6

He has constantly plenty to say. As age specificity, he also has plenty to ask. He has smart questions and also really smart findings and conclusions.

He is able to present imaginary stories suprisingly realistically.

He is very much interested in adult things, and not only in the objects we are using but also the spoken things. His radars are always on mode.

He adores to get on different clothes and customes, combined and selected from his wardrobe on his own. He really loves to dress himself randomly when he feels like getting into someone's skin. He is able to put on really warm pieces of cloth even in the hottest weather just for fun and this does not disturbes him at all.

He expresses his feelings and can change it very quickly.

Very independent but his biggest enemy is the packing up, to put the things in order after he finished playing with them.

Happening-seeker. He is safe in the water.

He will attend the school next September.


Height: 128 cm

Weight: 30 kg

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Happy 40th birthday, sis!

Once upon a time, there were two sisters, same angles but with a bit different composition. Both gave life to two boys, and so they have less and less time to meet, speak and going out together, being busy with the family. Although, the effort is constant. An occasion is always comes in handy, mainly if it is a birthday and especially if it is a round one. In such a case, the perfect (lightly self-interested) gift can be a short trip without kids, just in two. 

Destination (Thessaloniki, Greece), date (22-25/MAY), flight (Ryanair), accomodation (Hotel Avra) were chosen by myself as a surprise, adding a wide selection of possible free time activities. As our interests differ a bit, of course I let the birthday girl to choose what she really like: mostly shopping, either on a local market or in an outlet. Therefore this kind of activity was massively built into our schedule.

We were so effective that ticked off almost all our goals on the first day. What we both really enjoyed: the first lunch at the beach (therefore we repeated on the last day). While enjoying the Greek food, had the chance to feel the sand directly under our feet, the view of the Aegean Sea right next to us, and also a nice companion, a cat.

Not to miss, when you are in Thessaloniki: The Umbrellas, the White Tower, Agios Dimitrios basilica (part of UNESCO World Heritage), using cheap public transportation, visiting the local market and tasting different kinds of olives, eating seafood on the beach.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Frohe Ostern in Österreich

Steiermark was on the list for a while. Mainly because of its landscapes, hiking possibilities and farms.

During the spring holiday we decided to reserve a pretty (inside-outside) wooden cottage surrounded by our hosts’ farm including many animals. The accommodation was from Airbnb and belongs to Erika and Alex. 

What they are doing day by day is amazing. Erika prepared little surprises for us on the occasion of Easter, and we got to know (and could taste) what Austrians eat on Easter Sunday (really liked the grated horseradish on top) and that the bonfire is a tradition at this time of the year.

Finally, we differed from our original plan and extended our stay to 5 nights instead of 4, which fact speaks for itself – we could not get enough of the nature we were in. Just right in front of our house a mountain river flew and even on the day we arrived home, I started to miss that crystal clear non-stop available cool water. But anyway, wherever and whenever we were on the go, the snow-capped mountain peaks totally amazed us. So many paths to explore! We stopped the car many times, parked and got out when seeing natural beauties while driving.

The first day was about assimilation and to discover our lovely place. Liezen is about 4-5 hours drive from Budapest/Budaörs.

The slogan of the second day could be: “the approach way is more important than the destination itself”. We were looking for a path and finally could not find it but on our way we saw many wonders and enjoyed the pure nature: different and many kinds of wild flowers, trickling torrents, romantic paths. Walking many kms down and was afraid of walking back the same kms up but all were worthwhile.

Not to give up my habit, the town of Hallstatt got into the collection of UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the third day (Easter Sunday).The town does not belong to Steiermark but belongs to Oberösterreich. Big luck is needed when you want to park inside the city (we had) and not to walk for long with kids till you reach only the town. Our overall experience was the crowd; mainly Chinese and Indian people. No good food and in many cases they accept only cash. 

We tried the funicular which was also crowded but they managed well. We went up, wore uniform and then had the possibility to walk and even slide (!) deep into the mountain to enjoy the history in the world’s oldest salt mine.

On day #4 (Easter Monday) it was better to stay at home. Started to hanging around but there was stormy wind, therefore fallen trees, fallen electric cables, forest fire, closed roads.

Day #5 was well worth the extension. Right next to us, in the city of Palfau there was a beautiful canyon named Wasserlochklamm, full of waterfalls (12x). Very scenery, nice hike up with 500 m elevation gain and dizzy depths. 

Overall, it was a pleasant vacation. But something never changes.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Ayubowan! - My Spiritual Round Tour in Sri Lanka in October


We all have many choices how to get rid of the daily routine, how to devote time for ourselves, how to be alone and turn inward, how to find balance if lost or namely how to let something go if needed. My choice was a spiritual round tour to Sri Lanka. I did. Recommendable.


First time I started playing with the idea of going somewhere far, for long, alone was a year ago. The initial idea was Nepal. I already payed the deposit when I was notified that that adventure tour is cancelled and it is rather united with Bhutan. Of course, the price increased considerably and I skipped. Then I found this tour to Sri Lanka which was advertised by the most famous Hungarian travelling FB page saying that "you won't spend less money if you organize this tour on your own". And that was exactly what I needed. A fully organized tour to a faraway island; gratis spiritual one. Air tickets, accomodations (altogether five), transfer, programmes, guides, everything ready-made that I could desire.

If you have the affinity to make some changes in your life and you really have the idea how to do it and even a great opportunity comes, don't let yourself dissuade. Just say yes without scruple and go ahead. We live only once. 


As I'm a UNESCO World Heritage site-collector, this tour was a canaan. Currently, 8 such sites are designated here, out of which I visited 6. 


1. Ancient city of Sigiriya

2. Dambulla Cave Temple

3. Sacred city of Anuradhapura

4. Sacred city of Kandy

5. Central Highlands of Sri Lanka involving Little Adam's Peak

6. Old Town of Galle and its fortifications

First big wow came even at our first station. The city of Sigiriya was built on and around the 180 m high Lion's Rock and often mentioned as the 8th wonder of the world. History really sinks till your bones. Names to mention: King Kashyapa killed his father to get the throne and ruled between 477 and 495 till he was defeated by his brother Moggallana. Then the site was retuned to Buddhist monks and today it is in ruins with part of fortifications and buildings preserved, as well as frescos representing feminine figures. On the top of these, standalone panorama is added to the unforgettable experience. On my scale that is made up of scenery, nature and history, I ranked this place 10/10.


During the rest of the day we have visited a traditional village. Although, it felt like a little bit of showroom, it was still enojyable as we not only tried different kinds of transportation (wooden wheel-wagon pulled by finched, boat and tuk-tuk) but also got an insight into the village kitchen and took part of preparing and tasting traditional dishes. On our way to our bus there was a heavy rain and would have got wet through, if the locals did not provide protection in teamwork for us.

Next two stations on the same day: Dambulla and Anuradhapura. Mistic cave temple rich in Buddhist heritage in the city of Dambullah having multi-millenial past. This is anyway the biggest and best preserved temple of the island, also an important pilgrimage site. The complex is made up of five shrines constructed in natural caves full of 1500 wall paintings, 153 Buddha statues in different sizes and positions. On the same day, we saw many stupas, also the world's biggest one in Anuradhapura, of which bricks if we layed down, would get a wall of 30 cm width and 1 meter high drawn between London and Edinburgh. Here in Anuradhapura, the first capital of Sri Lanka and a Buddhist spiritual center, we can find the ancient tree that grew from the Bodhi Tree under which Buddha is said to have attained enlightenment. 



Well deserved close of the day; we vote for an Ayurveda massage for all 25 of us. It was a real team builder sitting together in the steam room after the massage half-naked speaking about the impressions. After the massage, we all had the chance one by one to speak with an Ayurveda doctor who found out which dosha we currently had by touching our pulse. As for me, he said mostly vata, less kapha. The ancient health science of Ayurveda is built around the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth. The unique combinations of these elements come together to make up the unique mind-body types, the doshas - vata, pitta and kapha.

Think of a dosha as your individual blueprint that describes your unique personality , tendencies and physical nature. Understanding your dosha reveals how to keep yourself in balance to stay happy, healthy and desease free. All of us have some aspects of each dosha, but one or two doshas are tend to dominate, informing everything from our digestion to our emotions. Before that, I haven't heard about this. After the doctor told me my body type, I googled the characteristics. There was a mention at vata - that I mostly belonged to in those days - about eating warm foodstuff. The fact is that at the hotel, from the wide selection of the buffet meals, I preffered hot soups for every dining at that time. Fund to the truth?

Ayurveda always applies the cures externally, all are natural therefore do not have the danger of getting used to any healing treatment.


The following day we visited a Herbal Heritage Garden. The tour was led by a doctor who tried to tell us as many things about the spices as he could. We got to know eg. that the vanilla is pollinated by hand and produces only once in every three years. The multicolored pepper is not a type of pepper but the different ripening phase and the white pepper is actually pepper without shell. Jackfruit is the biggest fruit produced by a tree. To cut a sandalwood is subject to authorization because of its value; it scents and all furniture made of it used by more generations and they produce oil not only from its flower but also from the wood itself which generates endorphin hormone. Cardamom is one of the ingredient of Sri Lankan curry besides 7 other spices and good for headache; you have to massage in balm form extended with ginger, clove, cinnamon; also good for insect bite. The ingredients of Sri Lankan curry (cumin, anise, mustard seed, clove, coriander, dill seed, cinnamon, a kind of 'karapincsa' leaf) are roasted before mill and those products sold in shops are engrossed with rice powder; chili, salt and pepper are added separately according to taste. We use the nutmeg after the hard shell is removed, nut only for cooking but also used for sleep disorders. Ananas is the best dessert but good to know that it may have aborted fetus effect, but anyway good for digestion and grows ripe within 6 months and contrary to popular belief, it does not burn fat! Curcuma is similar to ginger, very good for disinfection. Buddha used it, that is the reason why the monks' cloth is orange and anyway all their foodstuff are orange-coloured, as it is a natural antibiotic. Sri Lankan kitchen uses so many spices as each spice has its own healing effect. We drank a very tasteful tea which was a simple black tea boiled with different spices, namely ginger, cardamom, cinnamon and vanilia. They do not drink filter type tea at all. They also have some "cure-all" creams for problem skin like pimples, pigment spots and it does not block the pores, fully naturally, made of avocado, lotus oil, aloe vera, lotus flower. Interesting and useful visit, filled up with not only the information but also with some products. 


During the visit in the Gem Museum, Factory and Showroom we also had the chance to further enrich our knowledge. Got to know that the 4C make the price of a gem which are colour, cut, clarity and carat; 5 carat is equal with 1 gramm; brilliant is not a gem but a cutting type with the most facets (64); the cat's eye has only one line while the star sapphire has 6 lines and both are only polished not cutted. The difference between a precious stone and a semi-precious stone is the rigidness, and the precious stone is heavier, colder and transparent when shine on. Diamant is the hardest cat#10 gem, sapphires are #9, moonstone is #8 under which there are semi-precious stones; glass is #4, powder is #1. Aquamarine is a dead stone, ametist is developing stone and the dials of the watches are made of quarz. Princess Diana received her famous blue ring from Sri Lanka as a wedding present.  


What Rolls Royce is to cars, Rolex is to watches, Havana is to cigars and Scotland is to whiskey; Ceylon is to tea. Who has not heard of the world famous Ceylon tea? To visit a tea plant is a must. I did the Damro tea plant. The green of the endless terraced tea bushes are awe-inspiring. The tea is originally coming from China, where it has been consumed for 5000 years. Although, it was imported, Ceylon made the black tea famous with its high quality and "Best in Class" qualification. The leaves are collected exclusively by women, for 800-1000 HUF salary per day. The most expensive and ever best quality golden tea is drunk by the royal family in the UK and it is also good to know that only the latest shoots are collected exclusively by virgin girls in white gloves and cut with golden scissors. This is the purest type and without roasting. I also had to buy one box of it (13,900 LKR = 14,800 HUF) to taste and enjoy some luxury at home. Besides the golden tea, there are silver, green, white and black tea of course - latter has to bear the most number of manufacturing process. In the mountains of great humidity, a tea bush gives new sprouts in every 7-8 days and can be harvested during the whole year. The cut-off tea leaves are processed within 24 hours and just like in case of wines, there is a sommelier who tastes and evaluates. Those tea brands that we think to be good quality in Hungary (eg. Dilmah) are the poorest ones in Sri Lanka. And we should completely forget the tea in filter bags. And be careful of the leeches, there are many among the tea bushes and immediately stick to you, unless you have some salt with you to keep them away.  

Little Adam's Peak is a big wow and Ella Swing is the ever best idea of someone's (should do the same somewhere in Hungary). Time for being a real girl. Unmissable for female visitors! Going up to the peak no words can describe the beauty of the landscape. And then you start to think of how you can entirely utilize it, how you could become one with it and just discover that huuuge, giant swing with flowers and with a girlish costume that perfectly can fly while swinging. Now you feel the freedom, the luck, the gratitude, the youth, the feminity. Pampering the senses. Eyes see the beautiful landscape, ears hear soft music in the background, and soul feels very OK. Although, I was the last one to join my tour mates and the bus was waiting for me, I could not skip this and leave this place without trying Ella swing. Then and there a never to be forgotten memory was created. 


Another famous thing in Ella is the railway. Namely one of the 4 most beautiful railway route in the world. Very slow but it goes through the mountains and tea plants and somewhere the clouds come in through the window and then go out of another window. I had the luck to wait for it at the 9-arch bridge. The driver was super cute to decelerate enough to enjoy the sight for both the bystanders and the passangers as well.  


In retrospect, Jeep Safari is the only program that can be skipped from such a round tour. People can see more animals on the way than on such a guided tour, as the whole island is a ZOO. It is OK to get up before the sunrise, jolting on jeeps and searching for wild animals, but of course, success is not guaranteed. Finally, we could see colourful birds, peacock (with opened quill!), lizards, wild pig families, elephants, water buffalo, and a rarely seen bear.


The last UNESCO World Heritage site was the ancient town of Galle with the Fort. I missed the fishermen sitting on the poles.


The round tour was finished in Dickwella in the South and could spend 3 days at the beach to have a rest after the adventurous matterful trip and recharge before the flight back home. Here can be found the biggest golden Buddha statue of Sri Lanka.


To be continued and will be updated with photos, of course...


Saturday, September 02, 2023

Mauritius - The Family Vacation 2023

After a couple of years 'stay locally', finally we had the chance to spend more time in the air and visit the beautiful tropical island country located in the Indian Ocean near Madacascar. According to Mark Twain, God created Mauritius first and then following Mauritius, He created Heaven. Mark was right and all prove true that anyone can realize immediately upon landing on the island. Real Paradise that can be discovered almost during a single visit as it is 58 kms in length and 47 kms in width. After the rich flora and fauna, the second most eye-catching thing on the island is the stray dogs.


Rather at the very beginning than in the very end: Mauritius presents itself to the world as a Paradise Island, yet hides a brutal secret. For more than a decade, the Government of Mauritius has pursued an outdated, indiscriminate, ineffective and inhumane dog control policy known as ‘Catch and Kill’. Dogs are caught in nets, then flung into a van with other terrified dogs and driven to the Pound.

Secret filming over the years of the conditions inside the Pound have revealed shocking cruelty. Dogs crammed together, left for days to fight for scraps of food, so inadequate, that a number turn to attacking and eating their kennel mates. Tourists can adopt dogs from the island to avoid this cruel situation that the poor dogs get in. Also there is a petition addressed to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius that can be signed by anybody from any country all over the world:



The rivalless flora and fauna of the island is amazing. Several specimen can be found that live nowhere else but here, or just extinct, such as poor dodo the flightless bird and massive symbol of Mauritius. Mixture of different countries, revealling themshelves either in street images or in gastronomy or in languages. The place reminds my husband mostly Mexico and Columbia, my elder son associated it with Brazilia and for me, it is a little bit of Hawaii. During our stay, winter has just came. This meant that the weather was no warmer than 30 and no cooler than 20 degrees, and also quick little rains (showers) was experienced that always ended in rainbows.

Even the departure was not as smooth as it should have been. Upon arrival at the airport, we faced some delay that was roughly equal with our connection time in Paris. At the check-in counter, we were saved and were offered a flight via Dubai operated by FlyDubai and connected to Emirates seated in the world's biggest two-storied airbus A380. My Dominik had a smile on his face as immediately two of his wishes came true: to see Dubai airport and to fly on Emirates and try A380. Of course, without any extra cost. Additionally, we were compensated with some coupons to spend in the buffet while waiting. Adventures kept going. 

We landed in the evening, collected the luggages, the rented car, the local sim card and start driving on the left to find the accomodation. First impressions in the darkness were sugarcanes and stray dogs. Our Indian host warmly welcomed us but the male members of my family did not want to stay there even for a night. They were disappointed with the surroundings and it smelled bad. Although, my wise decision - to stay for a night at least and see what is the situation by day and start to look for another place next day - was failed and I was persuaded to go away.

Unfortunately, we were refused even in the umpteenth hotel because all were fully booked. Lesson: be prepared with option B if you reserve accomodation in a far country with kids via airbnb. I wasn't. After a couple of hours seeking in vain, I must have looked deadbeat and quite disappointed because the staff commiserated me in Hotel Amelia and could stay for a single night in a suite reserved for honeymooners. My next morning was spent with looking for accomodation for my family for the rest of our dream-vacation in the fully booked Mauritius.
Themed Facebook groups have power! Asked help posting in a Mauritius group and I got even more helping hands. Finally, I chose a combo. We spent 5 nights in the gorgeous comfortable Kozy Le Morne apartment of Ornella - we totally loved it! Especially the huge private terrace with jacuzzi surrounded by palm trees and with panorama of the lagoon. 

The last 3 nights were spent in the North, in the five star Hotel Maritim enjoying AI. Dominik was happy again, he could enjoy a complete suite on his own. From financial point of view, our accomodation cost exactly 10 times higher than originally planned. 😕 But what experiences! 😄

My favourite two things on the island were a mysterious tree called BANYAN TREE and a never heard song of a bird called ZEBRA DOVE.

Some words of some famous spots of Mauritius we have visited:

CASELA nature and safari park was visited as a first attraction during our stay on the island. The entrance was not smooth as the credit card terminals were all out of order not only in the park but also on the whole island that only turned out after queueing. Luckily, the cash withdrawal was successful from an ATM in the quite far nearby. Once getting inside, we could meet giant turtles face-to-face, enjoyed safari - ostrichs wanted to eat the metal handrail of the safari bus and a peacock made Nolen "terrorized", ha-ha. Many attractions were closed at that time unfortunately, so we could not try the toboggan (we wanted), could not walk with lions (we wanted?!) however many experiences enriched us.

MACONDE Viewpoint is a stunning coastal view along a hairpin bend located on the peak of a small rocky cliff where you can enjoy breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean. Due to rock purging works the approaching road were fully closed most part of the day but could be accessed by foot. We did the same but the guys on barefoot.

One of the main attractions was the OCEAN and its shore for us, of course. It always shows different face. The waves were controlled by the rocks before they reached the shore, so it was safe. And how beautiful its bottom was! Perfect place for snorkelling. Felt just like swimming above a huge aquarium. It was full of colourful fish and other creatures and loads of corals. We were prepared for this! (Mont Choisy in the North was said but) Le Morne in the South became our absolute favourite beach with its white "sand" made of mashy shells and corals, and with the Le Morne mountain range in the backgroud which is part of the Unesco World Heritage site. 

Regrettable fact that the hotels dispossess most of the shores and local people can use less and less part of it. Therefore, local people recommend tourists should use the shore belongs to their hotel. But exemptions always exist and some hotels who care do not possess the beaches but keep public and tidy (just like Lux Le Morne does in Le Morne beach).

You’ve probably heard about the iconic Victoria falls in Africa and the world-renowned Niagara and Iguazu falls in America but for sure you have never heard of an underwater waterfall. Yes, it exists and you’ll only find it exclusively in Mauritius. The captivating phenomenon takes place in the turquoise lagoon in the South. Thanks to the crystal clear water it is possible to see through it, being the key to unravel the mystery. It seems to defy the laws of physics. It is actually an optical illusion which can only be seen from up top. The illusion is caused by sand and silt sediments moving under the influence of strong underwater currents. It's completely safe to swim in or even surf on.

CHAMAREL WATERFALL is undoubtedly the tallest single-drop waterfall in Mauritius at about 100 m high, standing amid dense vegetation. Grandiose piece of nature.

Amongst the top 10 things to see in Mauritius, the 7-COLOURED EARTH plays a key role in showcasing Chamarel, a region steeped in history and blessed by geography. 

Red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple and yellow lunar-like sand dunes. It is a result of human modification of the landscape, namely deforestation. Since the earth was first exposed, rains have carved beautiful patterns into the hillside, creating an effect of earthen meringue. 

One day we decided to go up North and then it happened we stucked in PORT LOUIS, the bustling capital. This cultural melting pot has so much to see and explore. The colourful and lively main market is a compulsory ciity tour part, can try local street food, hunt for street art, wonder hindu temples, etc... 

At PONT NATUREL surely nobody wants to dip into the ocean. Even approaching the tourist attraction is adventurerous through a sugarcane plant by a small rented car. Natural rock formation that has been shaped into a bridge by the force of nature over several thousand years. Be prepared to be amazed how nature can be powerful.


I love the way when we step out of our hotel/apartment and decide to explore a tourist attraction and then we bump into many many hidden gems. The further we dare, the more we are amazed. Found the best vanilla ice-cream ever from locally produced vanilla made by a local man dealing with it for 35 years, found wild monkeys, hidden waterfalls, giant ferns, tea plants and also gorgeous hindu temples including the second biggest hindu pilgrimage site of the world with a sacred lake.

Let's lost somewhere in the middle of the island which is at least as much interesting as the seashore.